
The foundation of successful development

Friday, June 02, 2006

The first release is out the door

I finally published the first release of the DevInfraNix distro. To use it, just download the VMWare image and open it using the VMWare player or server, which are also freely available. After it boots you should be able to connect to it from a browser on the system that is hosting the image and step through the following configuration procedures:

  1. Login to the server as root and find the ip address that was assigned to the machine (ip addr). Then open a browser on the machine where the VMWare host is running (Note: you could connect with a browser on a different machine if you changed the VMWare Ethernet setting to "Bridged" from "NAT" prior to booting the image) and goto the wiki setup page at http://<ipaddress>/wiki. Fill in all of the information, making sure to use the following DB settings:
    * Security Note: Change these credentials to your own secret credentials after initial setup.

    Make sure you follow the step of copying the /srv/mediawiki/config/LoacalSettings.php file to the /srv/mediawiki directory after saving the config. The wiki will be available at http://<ipaddress>/wiki after successfully saving the configuration.

  2. In the same browser go to http://<ipaddress>/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php and again fill in all of the configuration using the following for Database settings:
    * Security Note: Change these credentials to your own secret credentials after initial setup.

    The blog will be available at http://<ipaddress>/wordpress after successfully saving the configuration.

  3. The last thing to do is to create a subversion repository. Follow the instructions on the Subversion website for doing this. Note that there is an init script available for making subversion auto start at boot. You can use this after you get a repository setup and modify the script to reflect your settings for your repository. The script is located at /etc/init.d/svnserve. After modifying the script it can be installed with the chkconfig --level 35 svnserve command then started with service svnserve start. From then on it should auto start at boot.

I plan on creating a php page in the future to help walk one through these steps by linking to all of the setup pages and possibly having it handle the side setup tasks. I'm also still working on adding an issue tracker (bugzilla?) and am thinking about adding a build automation application like CruiseControl so one could also use this as a build server if they wished.

Leave me some comments and let me know what you think of this alpha release. Do you think it is a good idea and do you think it will be helpful?


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