
The foundation of successful development

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Progress is being made

I've been able to create a VMWare release that contains Mediawiki, Wordpress, and Subversion. I also have it creating the MySQL dbs for mediawiki and wordpress, as well as auto starting the httpd, and mysqld services. I am able to downaload the release, run it in VMWare, and after it boots I can hit the Mediawiki and Wordpress install pages from an external browser.

Items to note for the initial configs of the blog and wiki:
  • The wiki can initially be found at the url http://<host>/wiki

  • The MySQL db for the wiki is wikidb, user: wikidbuser, psw: wikidbuserpsw

  • The blog can initially be found at the url http://<host>/wordpress

  • The MySQL db for the blog is wordpress, user: wordpressdbuser, psw: wordpressuserpsw

  • **It is suggested that one changes all passwords after initial config.

    I also added an init script for svnserve that can be modified with the correct user and path names after manually creating a repository with the svnadmin create command. It is located at /etc/init.d/svnserve and can be turned on using the chkconfig svnserve on command.

    I should soon have a public release. Future items to be done are:
  • Creating a group-trac group to possibly release a Trac version. I moved my current group of apps to a group called group-notrac, with this option in mind.

  • Add bugzilla or possibly a different issue/bug tracker to group-notrac and get it working on first boot.

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